Saturday, 5 May 2012

The Ultimate Drawing and Painting Technique Bible by Trudy Friend

I am happily working my way through this book by Trudy Friend.  I am not sure why this has the word 'ultimate' in the title.  I am sure there are more than the eight techniques covered here.  Eight techniques doesn't sound a lot but you can acheive some very interesting effects using them in a varieity of media.  It was interesting to see the same techniques being used in graphite, coloured pencil, pastel and watercolour with very clear intruction and examples.  Some things I thought as being 'too simple' actually gave very pleasing results when worked through in my sketch book.  The book has, for some reason I can't put my finger on, a look that seems to be targeting the beginner and maybe that is the biggest audience but don't let that put you off.  There is alway something to learn.